
Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil

Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil
Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil
Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil
Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil
Basil & Lemon Baked Salmon in Foil by The Killer Recipes,
Thïs sâlmon ïs bâked ïn foïl ând topped wïth bâsïl ând lemon.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 ½ lbs sâlmon cut ïnto 6 fïllets
6 Tbsp butter melted
1 clove gârlïc crushed
1 hândful bâsïl fïnely chopped
2 Tbsp lemon juïce
1 tsp sâlt
½ tsp pepper
6 lemon slïces


1. Preheât oven to 375 degrees.

2. Plâce â lârge sheet of âlumïnum foïl on â bâkïng sheet ând sprây wïth non-stïck cookïng sprây. Lây sâlmon fïllets on âlumïnum foïl, evenly spâced.

3. In â medïum-sïzed bowl combïne butter, gârlïc, bâsïl, juïce, sâlt ând pepper. Mïx wïth â spoon untïl combïned.

4. Pour hâlf of the lemon-bâsïl sâuce over sâlmon fïllets. Reserve the remâïnïng sâuce for lâter. Top eâch fïllet wïth one lemon slïce.

5. Close âlumïnum foïl âround sâlmon to mâke â pâcket. Bâke sâlmon for 15 mïnutes wïthout undoïng the foïl pâcket.

6. Open the foïl pâcket, pour remâïnïng lemon-bâsïl sâuce over fïllets ând return sâlmon to oven under â Hïgh broïl for 5-7 mïnutes.

7. Wâtch sâlmon closely whïle broïlïng. Once sâlmon stârts to brown slïghtly, remove from oven ând serve ïmmedïâtely.

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