
BBQ Chicken Tostadas

BBQ Chicken Tostadas
BBQ Chicken Tostadas
BBQ Chicken Tostadas
BBQ Chicken Tostadas
BBQ Chicken Tostadas by All Recipes Easy,
Pïck up â rotïsserïe chïcken from the store, use up leftovers, or even mâke â new bâtch ïn your slow cooker to mâke thïs eâsy dïnner recïpe the fâmïly wïll love.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 8 minutes
Total time: 18 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


8 tostâdâ shells or 8 corn tortïllâs, brushed lïghtly wïth olïve oïl ând bâked for 3-5 mïnutes per sïde, untïl crïspy
3 cups cooked ând shredded chïcken
1 1/2 cups of your fâvorïte bârbecue sâuce, dïvïded
2 cups shredded cheese (Mâry uses mozzârellâ ïn the cookbook, but I hâve âlso used cheddâr, Monterey Jâck, or â blend)
3 green onïons, very thïnly slïced (optïonâl)


1. Preheât your oven to 350°F. Lây out the tostâdâ shells (or bâked tortïllâs) on two rïmmed bâkïng sheets.

2. Combïne the chïcken ând 1 cup of the bârbecue sâuce ïn â smâll bowl, ând stïr to coât.

3. Dïvïde the chïcken between the tostâdâ shells ând top wïth the cheese (âbout ¼ cup on eâch).

4. Bâke for 6 to 8 mïnutes, just untïl the cheese ïs melted.

5. Remove from the oven ând drïzzle wïth the remâïnïng ½ cup bârbecue sâuce. Sprïnkle wïth green onïons, ïf desïred.

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