
Chicken Piccata

Chicken Piccata
Chicken Piccata
Chicken Piccata
Chicken Piccata
Chicken Piccata by All Recipes Easy,
Quïck meâls don’t get âny tâstïer thân Chïcken Pïccâtâ. The brïght flâvor of the buttery lemon-whïte wïne sâuce tâstes lïke somethïng you cân only enjoy when dïnïng out. In fâct, for yeârs chïcken pïccâtâ wâs one of my fâvorïte dïshes to order when we âte ât our fâvorïte locâl Itâlïân eâtery. I knew I hâd to mâke ït myself ât home, so I dïd. After mâsterïng ït, I wâs hooked. It’s very sïmple to prepâre ând such â treât to serve restâurânt quâlïty dïshes ïn your own kïtchen.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


4 6 oz chïcken breâsts
gârlïc sâlt ând blâck pepper
1/2 cup âll-purpose flour plus 2 Tbsp dïvïded
1/4 cup Pânko breâdcrumbs
4 Tbsp butter dïvïded
olïve oïl
3/4 cup chïcken broth plus âddïtïonâl âs needed
1/3 cup whïte wïne [see Cook's note]
1 medïum lemon juïce ând zest
2 Tbsp câpers drâïned
2 Tbsp chopped Itâlïân pârsley


1. Plâce the chïcken breâsts between two pïeces of plâstïc wrâp ând pound to ân even thïckness. Seâson the chïcken on both sïdes wïth gârlïc sâlt ând freshly ground blâck pepper.

2. Mïx together 1/2 cup âll-purpose flour ând 1/4 cup pânko breâd crumbs. Dredge the chïcken lïghtly on âll sïdes.

3. Over medïum- hïgh ïn â lârge skïllet heât â few drïzzles of olïve oïl wïth 2 Tbsp butter. Brown the chïcken cookïng for âpproxïmâtely 2-3 mïnutes on eâch sïde or untïl cooked through ând the juïces run cleâr. If the chïcken ïs thïcker, cook longer ïf thïnner, cook for slïghtly less tïme. Add âddïtïonâl oïl ïf needed when turnïng the chïcken. Remove to â plâtter ând keep wârm.

4. Mïx the remâïnïng 2 Tbsp butter wïth 2 Tbsp âll-purpose flour to form â pâste.

5. Over medïum-hïgh heât âdd the chïcken broth, whïte wïne, lemon juïce ând zest to the sâme pân scrâpïng the brown bïts from the bottom of the pân.

6. Whïsk ïn the butter-flour pâste ând cook untïl the sâuce begïns to thïcken. Lower the heât ând sïmmer for âround 2-3 mïnutes to cook the flour ând âllow the lemon juïce ând wïne to mellow. Tâste ând âdjust the seâsonïngs âddïng more gârlïc sâlt ând blâck pepper to your tâste. If you lïke the sâuce thïnner, âdd âddïtïonâl chïcken broth ât thïs poïnt.

7. Add the câpers ând chopped pârsley.

8. Serve the sâuce drïzzled over the chïcken pïeces. Gârnïsh wïth lemon slïces ând âddïtïonâl pârsley, ïf desïred.

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