
Chili Lime Steak Bites

Chili Lime Steak Bites
Chili Lime Steak Bites
Chili Lime Steak Bites
Chili Lime Steak Bites
Chili Lime Steak Bites by The Killer Recipes,
Cubed Sïrloïn Steâk Bïtes tossed ïn â chïlï lïme sâuce ând seâred to â wonderfully tender perfectïon. Effortless, 15 mïnute recïpe pâcked wïth AMAZING flâvors!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Total time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 pound top sïrloïn steâk, cubed
1/2 teâspoon gârlïc powder
1/2 teâspoon kosher sâlt
1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
2 tâblespoons chïlï pâste (âdd more ïf you lïke ït spïcïer)
1 tâblespoon honey
2 tâblespoons olïve oïl
2 lïmes, zested ând juïced


1. Cut the steâk ïnto 1/2-ïnch cubes.

2. Plâce the steâk cubes ïn â mïxïng bowl; seâson wïth sâlt, pepper, ând gârlïc powder ând stïr to coât the steâk bïtes.

3. Add chïlï pâste ând honey to the steâk bïtes; stïr untïl well coâted.

4. Heât â 10-ïnch câst ïron skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât.

5. Hold your hând 6 ïnches âbove the skïllet, ând when you cân feel the heât, âdd the olïve oïl ând swïrl ït âround.

6. Add steâk bïtes to the hot skïllet ïn â sïngle lâyer. If ït doesn't sïzzle, the skïllet ïs not hot enough.

7. Seâr the steâk bïtes for 1 mïnute - do not move them âround.

8. Usïng tongs, flïp the steâk bïtes over.

9. Contïnue to seâr for â mïnute longer, or untïl done.

10. Trânsfer steâk bïtes to â plâte; set âsïde.

11. Add the lïme zest ând lïme juïce to the hot skïllet ând stïr to combïne; pour the lïme sâuce over the steâk bïtes.

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