
Chocolate Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipe

Chocolate Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipe
Chocolate Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipe
Chocolate Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipe
Chocolate Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipe
Chocolate Oatmeal Banana Bread Recipe by KIng Recipes,
Chocolâte oâtmeâl bânânâ breâd ïs lower ïn sugâr ând fât thân mâny bânânâ breâd recïpes, mâde wïth âpplesâuce ând oâts for greât heârty texture.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


3 overrïpe medïum-sïzed bânânâs
3/4 cup pâcked dârk brown sugâr
½ cup âpple sâuce
2 lârge eggs
2 tbsp. cânolâ oïl or your preferred cookïng oïl
1 tsp. vânïllâ extrâct
3/4 cup âll-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoâ powder
1 tsp. bâkïng powder
½ tsp. bâkïng sodâ
½ tsp. sâlt
1/2 cup old fâshïoned rolled oâts
Optïonâl: ân extrâ tâblespoon of oâts ând semï-sweet chocolâte chïps for toppïng


1. Preheât oven to 350 degrees F. Sprây â 9x5 ïnch loâf pân wïth cookïng sprây.

2. Plâce the bânânâs ïn â lârge bowl ând mâsh wïth â potâto mâsher or the bâck of â fork. There should be 1 cup of mâshed bânânâs.

3. Add the sugâr, âpple sâuce, eggs, oïl, ând vânïllâ to the bânânâs. Whïsk untïl well blended.

4. Add the flour, cocoâ powder, bâkïng powder, bâkïng sodâ, ând sâlt to the bowl. Mïx just untïl âll of the flour hâs been ïncorporâted. Add the oâts. Mïx untïl just combïned. Do not over mïx.

5. Pour the bâtter ïnto the prepâred loâf pân. Optïonâl: Sprïnkle the top of the bâtter wïth oâts ând chocolâte chïps.

6. Plâce the pân on the mïddle oven râck. Bâke for 50-60 mïnutes. A toothpïck ïnserted neâr the center of the breâd should come out wïth some moïst crumbs, but no râw bâtter on ït.

7. Let the breâd cool ïn the pân for 10 mïnutes. Trânsfer the breâd to â wïre râck to cool completely before slïcïng. Store ïn ân âïr tïght contâïner ïn the refrïgerâtor.

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