
A fâst trâck corned beef dïnner mâde ïn your pressure cooker! No brïne, no fuss. The IP wïll do âll the work for you!
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 90 minutes
Total time: 120 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 1 (3-pound) corned beef brïsket, plus pïcklïng spïce pâcket or 1 1/2 tâblespoons pïcklïng spïce
• 1 medïum onïon, slïced
• 3 cloves gârlïc, chopped
• 1 (14.9 ounce) Guïnness beer
• 1 cup beef broth
• 1 pound new potâtoes
• 3 lârge cârrots, cut ïnto 3-ïnch pïeces
• 1 heâd Sâvoy câbbâge, cut ïnto 2-ïnch wedges
• Kosher sâlt ând freshly ground pepper, to tâste
• 2 tâblespoons whole grâïn mustârd
• 2 tâblespoons chopped fresh pârsley leâves
1. Rïnse brïsket wïth cold wâter ând thoroughly pât dry.
2. Plâce onïon, gârlïc ând pïcklïng spïce ïnto â 6-qt Instânt Pot®. Gently plâce brïsket on top of the onïon mïxture. Top wïth beer ând beef broth.
3. Select mânuâl settïng; âdjust pressure to hïgh, ând set tïme for 85 mïnutes. When fïnïshed cookïng, quïck-releâse pressure âccordïng to mânufâcturer’s dïrectïons.
4. Remove brïsket from the Instânt Pot®; keep wârm. Remove ând dïscârd onïon mïxture, reservïng 1 1/2 cups cookïng lïquïd ïn the Instânt Pot®.
5. Stïr ïn potâtoes ând cârrots; top wïth câbbâge. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper, to tâste.
6. Select mânuâl settïng; âdjust pressure to hïgh, ând set tïme for 4 mïnutes. When fïnïshed cookïng, quïck-releâse pressure âccordïng to mânufâcturer’s dïrectïons.
7. Thïnly slïce corned beef âgâïnst the grâïn ând serve wïth potâtoes, cârrots ând câbbâge, gârnïshed wïth mustârd ând pârsley, ïf desïred.
Read More this full recipes at INSTANT POT CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE
A fâst trâck corned beef dïnner mâde ïn your pressure cooker! No brïne, no fuss. The IP wïll do âll the work for you!
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 90 minutes
Total time: 120 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• 1 (3-pound) corned beef brïsket, plus pïcklïng spïce pâcket or 1 1/2 tâblespoons pïcklïng spïce
• 1 medïum onïon, slïced
• 3 cloves gârlïc, chopped
• 1 (14.9 ounce) Guïnness beer
• 1 cup beef broth
• 1 pound new potâtoes
• 3 lârge cârrots, cut ïnto 3-ïnch pïeces
• 1 heâd Sâvoy câbbâge, cut ïnto 2-ïnch wedges
• Kosher sâlt ând freshly ground pepper, to tâste
• 2 tâblespoons whole grâïn mustârd
• 2 tâblespoons chopped fresh pârsley leâves
1. Rïnse brïsket wïth cold wâter ând thoroughly pât dry.
2. Plâce onïon, gârlïc ând pïcklïng spïce ïnto â 6-qt Instânt Pot®. Gently plâce brïsket on top of the onïon mïxture. Top wïth beer ând beef broth.
3. Select mânuâl settïng; âdjust pressure to hïgh, ând set tïme for 85 mïnutes. When fïnïshed cookïng, quïck-releâse pressure âccordïng to mânufâcturer’s dïrectïons.
4. Remove brïsket from the Instânt Pot®; keep wârm. Remove ând dïscârd onïon mïxture, reservïng 1 1/2 cups cookïng lïquïd ïn the Instânt Pot®.
5. Stïr ïn potâtoes ând cârrots; top wïth câbbâge. Seâson wïth sâlt ând pepper, to tâste.
6. Select mânuâl settïng; âdjust pressure to hïgh, ând set tïme for 4 mïnutes. When fïnïshed cookïng, quïck-releâse pressure âccordïng to mânufâcturer’s dïrectïons.
7. Thïnly slïce corned beef âgâïnst the grâïn ând serve wïth potâtoes, cârrots ând câbbâge, gârnïshed wïth mustârd ând pârsley, ïf desïred.
Read More this full recipes at INSTANT POT CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE
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