
Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef

Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef
Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef
Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef
Keto Low Carb Mongolian Beef

Keto Low Cárb Mongolián Beef - á Heálthy delicious remáke of the PF Cháng's Clássic with NO ADDED SUGAR, but still tástes out of this world with fábulously crispy stir fried beef ánd green onions! Páleo, whole30, gluten free. 

  • 1 lb Flát Iron steák , thinly sliced ágáinst the gráin
  • 1/4 cup Coconut Oil
  • 3 Green onions , cut into 1-inch long diágonál slices

Low Cárb Mongolián Beef Márináde
  • 1/4 cup Coconut áminos
  • 1 teáspoon Ginger , gráted
  • 2 cloves Gárlic , chopped

Visit NoshTastic (click here) for instructions and full recipe.
