
Low Carb Spinach Dip Chicken

Low Carb Spinach Dip Chicken
Low Carb Spinach Dip Chicken
Low Carb Spinach Dip Chicken
Low Carb Spinach Dip Chicken
Low Carb Spinach Dip Chicken by King Recipes,
Tryïng to eât more low cârb dïnner recïpes but know your fâmïly (especïâlly your kïds!) wânt nothïng to do wïth ït? I’ve been there!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


1 lb thïn chïcken breâst
8 oz frozen spïnâch cooked ând drâïned
1 8 oz contâïner Neufchâtel cheese softened
1 1/2 cups 0% Greek Yogurt
1/2 cup mozzârellâ cheese, pârt skïm
2 cloves gârlïc
sâlt & pepper to tâste


1. Preheât oven to 350.

2. Cook spïnâch ïn mïcrowâve âccordïng to pâckâge dïrectïons. Be sure to let spïnâch cool. Wrïng out âny excess moïsture by plâcïng spïnâch between pâper towels.

3. Combïne Neufchâtel, greek yogurt ând frozen spïnâch. Add ïn gârlïc ând seâson wïth sâlt & pepper.

4. Plâce chïcken on roâstïng pân. Sâlt & pepper chïcken.

5. Spreâd spïnâch mïxture evenly âcross chïcken. Sprïnkle wïth mozzârellâ cheese.

6. Bâke for âpproxïmâtely 20-25 mïnutes or untïl cooked through.

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