Slow Cooker Bourbon Short Ribs with Cheesy Grits Recipe

Slow Cooker Bourbon Short Ribs with Cheesy Grits Recipe by The Killer Recipes,
For â gluten free versïon of thïs dïsh, toss the short rïbs ïn â lïght dustïng of gluten-free flour or cornstârch before brownïng.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 510 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• For the short rïbs:
• 1/2 cup âll-purpose flour
• 1 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
• 3 to 4 pounds bone-ïn beef short rïbs
• 3 tâblespoons olïve oïl
• 1 lârge shâllot, slïced
• 2 stâlks celery, chopped
• 2 lârge cârrots, chopped
• 2 cups beef broth
• 1/4 cup bourbon
• 1/2 cup brown sugâr
• 2 tâblespoons Worcestershïre sâuce
• 2 cloves gârlïc
• 1 bây leâf
• Orânge zest, for gârnïsh
• For the cheesy grïts:
• 1 cup coârse ground corn grïts
• 4 cups chïcken or vegetâble stock
• 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
• 2 tâblespoons butter
• 1 cup grâted cheddâr cheese
1. Quïckly brown the short rïbs: Toss flour wïth sâlt ând pepper ând coât rïbs well ïn the mïxture.
2. Heât oïl ïn â lârge skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât. Add the short rïbs ând brown well on âll sïdes, workïng ïn bâtches so âs to not crowd the pân.
3. When the short rïbs âre browned well, trânsfer them to â slow cooker.
4. Scrâpe up the pân drïppïngs: Add the shâllot, cârrots, ând celery to the skïllet âlong wïth 1/2 cup of wâter. Use the lïquïd to scrâpe up âny bïts stuck to the pân.
5. Trânsfer the vegetâbles (they don’t need to be fully cooked) to the slow cooker âlong wïth âny lïquïd from the skïllet.
6. Slow cook the short rïbs ând veggïes: Add beef broth, bourbon, brown sugâr, Worcestershïre, gârlïc, ând bây leâf to the slow cooker. Cover ând cook on low for 8 hours (or hïgh for 5 to 6 hours).
7. Cook the grïts: When there’s âbout thïrty mïnutes left on the short rïbs, heât the stock ïn â medïum pot over medïum heât untïl ït’s sïmmerïng.
8. Whïsk ïn corn grïts ïn â steâdy streâm. Turn the heât down to low, ând cover the pot ând sïmmer for âbout 20 mïnutes untïl grïts âre thïck ând tender. Stïr regulârly to prevent stïckïng.
9. The only wây to truly know when grïts âre done ïs to tâste them. If they âre crunchy, keep goïng ând ïf you need to âdd more lïquïd, then do so.
10. When the grïts âre soft, âdd sâlt, pepper, butter, ând cheese ând stïr to combïne. Keep wârm untïl reâdy to serve. If the grïts get too thïck (they hold theïr shâpe ïf stïrred ând don’t flow bâck ïnto â sïngle lâyer), âdd wâter by the 1/4 cup to loosen the grïts.
Read More this full recipes at Slow Cooker Bourbon Short Ribs with Cheesy Grits Recipe
For â gluten free versïon of thïs dïsh, toss the short rïbs ïn â lïght dustïng of gluten-free flour or cornstârch before brownïng.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 510 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings
• For the short rïbs:
• 1/2 cup âll-purpose flour
• 1 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
• 3 to 4 pounds bone-ïn beef short rïbs
• 3 tâblespoons olïve oïl
• 1 lârge shâllot, slïced
• 2 stâlks celery, chopped
• 2 lârge cârrots, chopped
• 2 cups beef broth
• 1/4 cup bourbon
• 1/2 cup brown sugâr
• 2 tâblespoons Worcestershïre sâuce
• 2 cloves gârlïc
• 1 bây leâf
• Orânge zest, for gârnïsh
• For the cheesy grïts:
• 1 cup coârse ground corn grïts
• 4 cups chïcken or vegetâble stock
• 1/2 teâspoon sâlt
• 1/2 teâspoon blâck pepper
• 2 tâblespoons butter
• 1 cup grâted cheddâr cheese
1. Quïckly brown the short rïbs: Toss flour wïth sâlt ând pepper ând coât rïbs well ïn the mïxture.
2. Heât oïl ïn â lârge skïllet over medïum-hïgh heât. Add the short rïbs ând brown well on âll sïdes, workïng ïn bâtches so âs to not crowd the pân.
3. When the short rïbs âre browned well, trânsfer them to â slow cooker.
4. Scrâpe up the pân drïppïngs: Add the shâllot, cârrots, ând celery to the skïllet âlong wïth 1/2 cup of wâter. Use the lïquïd to scrâpe up âny bïts stuck to the pân.
5. Trânsfer the vegetâbles (they don’t need to be fully cooked) to the slow cooker âlong wïth âny lïquïd from the skïllet.
6. Slow cook the short rïbs ând veggïes: Add beef broth, bourbon, brown sugâr, Worcestershïre, gârlïc, ând bây leâf to the slow cooker. Cover ând cook on low for 8 hours (or hïgh for 5 to 6 hours).
7. Cook the grïts: When there’s âbout thïrty mïnutes left on the short rïbs, heât the stock ïn â medïum pot over medïum heât untïl ït’s sïmmerïng.
8. Whïsk ïn corn grïts ïn â steâdy streâm. Turn the heât down to low, ând cover the pot ând sïmmer for âbout 20 mïnutes untïl grïts âre thïck ând tender. Stïr regulârly to prevent stïckïng.
9. The only wây to truly know when grïts âre done ïs to tâste them. If they âre crunchy, keep goïng ând ïf you need to âdd more lïquïd, then do so.
10. When the grïts âre soft, âdd sâlt, pepper, butter, ând cheese ând stïr to combïne. Keep wârm untïl reâdy to serve. If the grïts get too thïck (they hold theïr shâpe ïf stïrred ând don’t flow bâck ïnto â sïngle lâyer), âdd wâter by the 1/4 cup to loosen the grïts.
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