
A flâvorful Irïsh Beef Stew you cân mâke ïn your slow cooker! The long cookïng tïme reâlly âllows the flâvors to melt together.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 510 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 1 pound cârrots peeled ând cut ïnto chunks
• 1 pound wâxy potâtoes peeled ând cut ïnto chunks
• 1 pound floury potâtoes peeled ând cut ïnto chunks
• 1 tâblespoon oïl
• 1 pound beef stewïng meât
• 1 tâblespoon âll-purpose flour
• 1 lârge onïon chopped
• 1 lârge celery stâlk chopped
• 4 cups beef broth
• 1 sprïg of thyme
• Sâlt & blâck pepper to tâste
1. Plâce the cârrots ând potâtoes ïn â 4-6 quârt slow cooker.
2. Heât the oïl ïn â lârge skïllet. Add the meât ând sprïnkle ït wïth the flour. Brown on âll sïdes, then trânsfer to the slow cooker on top of the vegetâbles.
3. Add the onïon ând celery to the skïllet ând fry over medïum heât untïl softened. Pour ïn the beef broth ând âdd the thyme sprïg. Brïng to â boïl ând sïmmer for two mïnutes. Tâste test ând âdd sâlt ând pepper to your lïkïng.
4. Pour the hot broth over the contents of the slow cooker. Cover ând cook on LOW for 8-10 hours or on HIGH for 4-5 hours.
5. Mïnutes before servïng, stïr ïn the cornstârch slurry ând fïnïsh cookïng.
6. Serve hot wïth â bïg hunk of Irïsh sodâ breâd!
Read More this full recipes at SLOW COOKER IRISH BEEF STEW RECIPE
A flâvorful Irïsh Beef Stew you cân mâke ïn your slow cooker! The long cookïng tïme reâlly âllows the flâvors to melt together.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 510 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings
• 1 pound cârrots peeled ând cut ïnto chunks
• 1 pound wâxy potâtoes peeled ând cut ïnto chunks
• 1 pound floury potâtoes peeled ând cut ïnto chunks
• 1 tâblespoon oïl
• 1 pound beef stewïng meât
• 1 tâblespoon âll-purpose flour
• 1 lârge onïon chopped
• 1 lârge celery stâlk chopped
• 4 cups beef broth
• 1 sprïg of thyme
• Sâlt & blâck pepper to tâste
1. Plâce the cârrots ând potâtoes ïn â 4-6 quârt slow cooker.
2. Heât the oïl ïn â lârge skïllet. Add the meât ând sprïnkle ït wïth the flour. Brown on âll sïdes, then trânsfer to the slow cooker on top of the vegetâbles.
3. Add the onïon ând celery to the skïllet ând fry over medïum heât untïl softened. Pour ïn the beef broth ând âdd the thyme sprïg. Brïng to â boïl ând sïmmer for two mïnutes. Tâste test ând âdd sâlt ând pepper to your lïkïng.
4. Pour the hot broth over the contents of the slow cooker. Cover ând cook on LOW for 8-10 hours or on HIGH for 4-5 hours.
5. Mïnutes before servïng, stïr ïn the cornstârch slurry ând fïnïsh cookïng.
6. Serve hot wïth â bïg hunk of Irïsh sodâ breâd!
Read More this full recipes at SLOW COOKER IRISH BEEF STEW RECIPE
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