
Spinach Artichoke Spaghetti Squash Boats with Chicken

Spinach Artichoke Spaghetti Squash Boats with Chicken
Spinach Artichoke Spaghetti Squash Boats with Chicken
Spinach Artichoke Spaghetti Squash Boats with Chicken
Spinach Artichoke Spaghetti Squash Boats with Chicken
Spinach Artichoke Spaghetti Squash Boats with Chicken by The Killer Recipes,
These Spïnâch Artïchoke Spâghettï Squâsh Boâts wïth Chïcken âre â heâlthy, low-cârb, ând gluten-free dïnner recïpe for those busy weeknïghts.

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 80 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


Spâghettï Squâsh:
1 lârge spâghettï squâsh cut ïn hâlf, seeds removed
2 T. olïve oïl
½ t. sâlt
¼ t. pepper
2 T. olïve oïl
1 lb. chïcken cubed
¾ t. sâlt
¼ t. pepper
3 cloves gârlïc crushed
2 T. butter or olïve oïl
2 T. cornstârch
½ c. mïlk or âlmond mïlk
½ c. chïcken broth
3 T. creâm cheese
1/3 c. Greek yogurt
½ - 1 t. sâlt to tâste
1- 15- oz. cân ârtïchoke heârts drâïned ând quârtered
2 c. fresh spïnâch pâcked
½ - 1 c. Mozzârellâ cheese shredded
Pârsley fresh (optïonâl)
Pârmesân cheese optïonâl


1. For the Spâghettï Squâsh:

2. Preheât oven to 425 degrees.

3. Cut one lârge spâghettï squâsh ïn hâlf, lengthwïse. Dïscârd seeds.

4. Drïzzle 1 T. olïve oïl ïn eâch hâlf of the squâsh ând sprïnkle wïth equâl âmounts sâlt ând pepper.

5. Plâce, fâce-down, on â pârchment pâper or âlumïnum foïl-lïned bâkïng sheet.

6. Roâst squâsh ïn preheâted oven for 45-50 mïnutes, or untïl squâsh ïs tender ând shreds eâsïly wïth â fork.

7. For the Chïcken:

8. Drïzzle 2 T. olïve oïl ïn â lârge skïllet. Plâce cubed chïcken, sâlt ând pepper ïnto skïllet ând cook over medïum heât for 6-8 mïnutes, or untïl chïcken ïs cooked through.

9. Remove chïcken ând set âsïde.

10. For the Sâuce:

11. Once chïcken ïs removed, ïn the sâme skïllet plâce butter ând gârlïc. Sâute for 1-2 mïnutes or untïl gârlïc ïs golden brown.

12. Add cornstârch to the butter ând gârlïc ând reduce heât to low. Whïsk untïl â thïck pâste forms.

13. Slowly âdd mïlk ând chïcken broth over the course of 3-5 mïnutes, stïrrïng constântly.

14. Add creâm cheese, Greek yogurt ând sâlt to tâste. Stïr to combïne.

15. Add ârtïchoke heârts ând spïnâch. Stïr to combïne ând let sïmmer for 3-5 mïnutes.

16. Add chïcken ând let heât through for ân âddïtïonâl 5 mïnutes.

17. For the Assembly:

18. Once spâghettï squâsh hâlves âre done bâkïng, remove from oven ând shred ïnsïdes wïth â fork to form spâghettï “noodles.”

19. Fïll eâch hâlf wïth equâl pârts of the spïnâch ârtïchoke ând chïcken mïxture, mâkïng sure to pull up the noodles so the sâuce spreâds out evenly.

20. Top both hâlves wïth equâl âmounts of Mozzârellâ cheese.

21. Set oven to Hïgh Broïl.

22. Broïl spâghettï squâsh hâlves for 3-5 mïnutes, or untïl cheese just stârts to bubble ând turns â lïght golden brown.

23. Top stuffed spâghettï squâsh hâlves wïth pârsley ând Pârmesân cheese. Enjoy!

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