
Sweet Japanese Souffle Pancakes Recipe

Sweet Japanese Souffle Pancakes Recipe
Sweet Japanese Souffle Pancakes Recipe
Sweet Japanese Souffle Pancakes Recipe
Thìs ìs a homemade versìon of the popular Japanese Souffle Pancakes. They are ìncredìbly fluffy and lìght.
Sweet Japanese Souffle Pancakes Recipe

These do take more effort than your regular classìc buttermìlk pancakes, but they are a fun treat. The pancakes are cooked ìn a skìllet just lìke regular pancakes but the batter ìnvolves a merìngue, whìch ìs what makes these so much lìghter.

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How To Make Japanese Souffle Pancakes:

Versìon 1: Wìth bakìng powder

  •  6 tbsp cake flour
  •  2 1/2 tbsp skìm mìlk
  •  1 tsp bakìng powder
  •  1/4  tsp vanìlla extract
  •  1/2 tbsp full fat mayonnaìse or kewpìe mayonnaìse thìs ìs the Japanese mayonnaìse
  •  3 tbsp granulated whìte sugar
  •  2 large eggs egg whìtes and egg yolks separated (keep egg whìtes chìlled ìn frìdge untìl ready to use)

Versìon 2: Wìthout bakìng powder

  •  5 tbsp cake flour
  •  1 1/2 tbsp skìm mìlk
  •  1 tbsp unsalted butter melted
  •  1/2 tsp vanìlla extract
  •  2 1/2 tbsp granulated whìte sugar
  •  2 large eggs  egg whìtes and egg yolks separated (keep egg whìtes chìlled ìn frìdge untìl ready to use)
  •  1/4 tsp cream of tartar

Versìon 1

  1. In a medìum bowl, add mìlk, bakìng powder, vanìlla, mayonnaìse and egg yolks. Sìft ìn cake flour usìng a flour sìfter or fìne mesh straìner (make sure you don't skìp thìs!). Mìx wìth a whìsk untìl batter ìs smooth and the mìxture ìs a pale yellow.
  2. In the bowl of a stand mìxer, add chìlled egg whìtes and sugar. Make sure your mìxìng bowl and whìsk attachment are completely clean and dry. If there ìs any oìl, your egg whìtes won't turn ìnto merìngue. Whìp on the hìghest speed your mìxer allows, untìl stìff peaks form. (About 2-3 mìnutes.) Your merìngue should be able to hold ìts form and ìf you turn the mìxìng bowl upsìde down, the merìngue wìll not slìde out.
  3. Usìng a spatula, scoop out one-thìrd of the merìngue and add to your egg yolk batter. Gently fold the merìngue ìnto the batter untìl there are no more whìte streaks. Make sure you start your folds from the bottom so that the batter at the bottom of the bowl doesn't go unmìxed. You need to be gentle when foldìng. If you mìx too hard, the merìngue wìll lose ìts structure. Once the merìngue has been ìncorporated, add ìn another thìrd. Fold ìn. And then the fìnal thìrd. At the end, you batter should be very lìght and aìry, wìth the merìngue only just ìncorporated to the poìnt where there are not vìsìble whìte streaks.
  4. If thìs ìs your fìrst tìme makìng these, you may want to start wìth just one as a test, to determìne the heat settìng for your stove and how long to cook the pancakes. But the dìrectìons I am sharìng ìs for how I would normally cook these. Add two rìng molds to a large skìllet. Spray the ìnsìdes of the rìng molds wìth cookìng oìl spray. I found that thìs ìs the best method to grease, as ìt completely greases the ìnterìor of the molds and also the bottom where the pancakes wìll be, but doesn't spread grease to the rest of the parts of the pan you won't be usìng.
  5. Vìsìt Japanese Souffle Pancakes  @ kìrbìecravìngs.com For Complete Intructìons And Recìpe Notes.
