
28 Things That Literally Everyone Has Experienced But No One Ever Talks About

28 Things That Literally Everyone Has Experienced But No One Ever Talks About
28 Things That Literally Everyone Has Experienced But No One Ever Talks About
28 Things That Literally Everyone Has Experienced But No One Ever Talks About

1. The urge:

2. The heartbreak:

3. The elation:

4. The double check:

5. The struggle:

6. The fear:

7. The sneeze from the depths of hell:


8. The catch:

9. The wetness:

10. The extra minutes of bliss:

11. The card of shame:

12. The garlic overload:

13. The repetition:

14. The stupidity:

15. The focus:

16. The soundtrack:

17. The helplessness:

18. The pre-relief:

19. The blank:

20. The find:

21. The escalation:

22. The comfort:

23. The love:

24. The restart:

25. The battle:

26. The phone call:

27. The devestation:

28. And the fucks:

So many fucks.
Twitter: @proxactears

So many fucks.
