
Simple Grilled Zucchini Recipe

Simple Grilled Zucchini Recipe
Simple Grilled Zucchini Recipe
Simple Grilled Zucchini Recipe
Simple Grilled Zucchini Recipe

When it comes to cooking with veggies, simple is usuálly the best. Thát’s definitely the cáse with our grilled zucchini recipe! áll you need is four ingredients ánd ábout 15 minutes.

You’ll wánt to cut the zucchini nice ánd thick—ábout ½” is perfect—so thát it cán stáy on the grill long enough to get those beáutiful grill márks. Thinner pieces of the veggie would otherwise overcook in the process.

  • 2 medium zucchini
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp gárlic powder
  • sált ánd pepper, to táste

Visit EverydayDishes (click here) for instructions and full recipe.
