
These 15 People Have Never Packed Lunch A Day In Their Lives And It Really Shows

These 15 People Have Never Packed Lunch A Day In Their Lives And It Really Shows
These 15 People Have Never Packed Lunch A Day In Their Lives And It Really Shows
These 15 People Have Never Packed Lunch A Day In Their Lives And It Really Shows

1. This dad who at least packed the fancy tuna.

@RayWonder / Via reddit.com

2. This person who packed spaghetti in a resealable bag instead of using Tupperware.

@aRoofer / Via reddit.com

3. And this criminal who took it one step further and threw in a PLASTIC-WRAPPED banana.

@polishsausages / Via reddit.com

4. This person who made a "healthy" lunch of frozen peas and Saran-wrapped chicken.

@Quiggers79 / Via reddit.com

5. This person who packed deconstructed mac 'n' cheese.

@DrunkestJesus / Via reddit.com

6. This person whose sloppy joe was even sloppier than expected.

@realsashab / Via instagram.com

7. This person who took all of two seconds to throw together the best mess they could manage.

@Duckrauhl / Via reddit.com

8. This dad who hopefully got the spoon back.

@MandyzFelix / Via reddit.com

9. This person who you definitely don't want making your deli sandwiches.

@umbeeh / Via reddit.com

10. This husband who tried to add more color to his family's diet.

@smondary81 / Via instagram.com

11. This person who forgot an essential part of making a sandwich.

@heather_joy_ny / Via instagram.com

12. This dude who packed a balanced meal of mustard, peanut butter, and canned pears.

@kellysneed / Via instagram.com

13. This person who packed a whole ass bottle of garlic salt for one measly avocado.

@fightingcrime / Via reddit.com

14. This person who made a "sandwich" out of cheese sticks, pickles, and just one slice of bread.

@lensgana / Via reddit.com

15. Finally, this person who accidentally brought uncooked ground turkey to work for lunch.

@takeonashley / Via instagram.com
