
This Dad Went To Costco For The First Time And His Son Captured His Sheer Excitement On Video

This Dad Went To Costco For The First Time And His Son Captured His Sheer Excitement On Video
This Dad Went To Costco For The First Time And His Son Captured His Sheer Excitement On Video
This Dad Went To Costco For The First Time And His Son Captured His Sheer Excitement On Video

Hello, world. Let me introduce you to stay-at-home dad Tom, who says he does "dad things" like cooking, shopping, weed whacking, and taking care of the pool.

Tom Musto / BuzzFeed

But, one thing Tom does not do is shop at Costco...


...until now.

Tom Musto / BuzzFeed

Tom told BuzzFeed he and his friend Stephany needed to go shopping for Sunday dinner and she suggested they go to Costco. And, for Tom, it was life changing.


Tom said when he first walked in he thought, "Wow, this place is really big." He was also completely shocked at how much product he could get for the price.

We all need to thank Tom's son, TJ, for capturing his excitement on video and sharing it on Twitter.

It went viral for obvious reasons and some users shared other first-time Costco experiences caught on camera.

Costco. It's the definition of happiness.

Stephany promised to give Tom a Costco membership for his birthday and he says it will be one of his coolest birthday gifts yet.

Tom Musto / BuzzFeed

Tom, welcome to the wonderful world of Costco!

